
Showing posts from August, 2023

Titan's Rape Of Europa (1560-1562)

                 The visual scene of Titan’s Rape of Europa is as vibrant as dark. You can see that a skilled artist created this artwork and put much time and detail into it. Once you look past the work's artistic merit, you are confronted with the harsh reality that this is a painting about rape. The subject, Europa, is in the center view of the scene in a state of dishevel that conveniently emphasizes her vagina, and her breast is exposed. The whole scene stinks of sex. The act will occur soon. Her hand is grasped around the bull's horn, which is phallic and sexual in nature. This is not consensual. She is being abducted and taken away from her entourage on the shore. The sky is vibrant blue in the area by the beach, but she and the bull are swimming towards darkness. There is an impending doom quality to the scene. The cherubs are spectators, and their eyes are drawn to Europa’s vagina, drawing the viewer's eye to the region. Europa is the spectacle, a sight to be seen.

Faith Ringgold Quilt " We Came to America" (1997)

         Faith Ringgold's quilt catches your eye the moment you see it. The vibrant blue of the sky and sea fills the space with a cheerful yellow sun rising or perhaps setting in the distance. At a quick glance, it is a hopeful scene of what I presume to be escape slaves swimming from a burning ship in the distance. Then, you notice the contrast of the red in the water; the blood fills the scene. This is a scene of desperation and innocence of hoping for a better life while treading through turbulent waters. The figures' features are distorted and anguished. The figures are displaced, and bodies are in a state of movement. It almost looks like they are being boiled alive in the waves. Is the Statute of Liberty a beacon of hope or a false promise of safety?       The white clothing of the Statue of Liberty is a sharp contrast between the rest of the composition. This, along with the smoke from the torch, leads the eye to the burning ship. The ship is in the background, represen

Barbie (2023)

          So, I recently went and saw Barbie in theaters. I actually saw it twice. I didn't really know what I was getting into. I enjoyed this strange little gem of a film that can make grown men burn Barbie dolls and inspire church sermons centered around destroying Barbie dream houses. The movie was ridiculous and fun but with a message about the unfair expectations of women. These are the issues that we, women, endure on a daily basis. There is social reinforcement everywhere on the standards of how women should be, but it is also contradictory. Women should be empowered but know their place in a cis-white male-dominated world. They are standing too tall in a short room with low ceilings. It is even worse if you are trans or POC. The ceiling is so low you can barely breathe. Then there is the constant maneuvering around unwanted "male gaze" and having pepper spray in hand while your keys are clenched in your fist in case you have to defend yourself walking to your car