End Thoughts

     Language opens doors and connects thoughts and meanings. I have found from all the readings and countless hours of research, writing, and rewriting that I got this. From the beginning of my Master's journey, I have been relearning how to write, and it sometimes was a struggle, but in the end, it taught me how to better convey my meaning. Eng624 Women & Art taught me the vocabulary and knowledge to properly discuss art, specifically women in the arts. I learned about incredible and groundbreaking artists who shattered the norms and reinvented art. The artist's life experiences and struggles influenced their artwork, and the opportunity to analyze and dissect their meanings was an interesting experience. It helped me appreciate and honestly dislike some of the artwork. It teaches us to not judge by appearance, even as aesthetically appealing as it may be. This class helped me look at art with a better eye and to be able to discuss art clearly. It helped me better understand the roles that women artists and subjects were subjected to. I learned through the years how pioneering woman artists were creating opportunities and inclusive spaces for future women artists. As I continue on in my Master's journey, I plan to utilize this knowledge in my studies and eventually when I teach. I think it is important to create discussions on women and art. Discussions lead to understanding and change. 


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